$5.99 SHIPPING - Questions? Call 225-443-9077

$5.99 SHIPPING - Need help? Call 225-443-9077

Codisto Default eBay Template



{include field="EbayDescription"}
{for images}
{if count(images) > 1}
{/if} {for images step=4}
{for Images count=4 start={position}}
{if !MultiVariant} Buy now and save! {/if}
Tell a friend {if EbayStoreURL} Visit store {/if} Watch now
{if overviewhtml}


{include field="overviewhtml"}

Contact Us for more details!

{for overview} {/for}
{/if} {if productspecshtml}

Product specification

{include field="productspecshtml"}
{for specimage step=2}
{for specimage count=2 start={position}}

Postage {if ShippingDomesticServiceType = "CalculatedMerchant" AND ShippingQuoteSupported}calculator{else if ShippingDomesticServiceType = "CalculatedEbay" OR ShippingRateTable}info{else}costs{/if}

{if ShippingDomesticServiceType = "CalculatedMerchant" AND ShippingQuoteSupported} {else}

Click the Postage tab above the listing description for more info


{if !ShippingRateTable} {if FlatShippingRate = 0 AND ShippingDomesticServiceType = "Flat"} FREE {if LocalPickupFirstOption}Local Pickup{else}Postage{/if} {else if ShippingDomesticServiceType = "Flat"} Price: {if ShippingDomesticServiceType = "Flat"} {format FlatShippingRate, EbayCurrency} (local shipping) {/if} {/if} {/if}

{if ShippingDomesticServiceType = "Flat" AND !ShippingRateTable} {if (ShippingDomesticServiceType = "Flat" AND ShippingDomesticService2) OR (ShippingInternationalServiceType = "Flat" AND ShippingInternationalService1)} See more...
{if ShippingDomesticServiceType = "Flat"} {if ShippingDomesticService1}{ShippingDomesticService1} - {format ShippingDomesticCost1, EbayCurrency}{/if} {if ShippingDomesticService2}
{ShippingDomesticService2} - {format ShippingDomesticCost2, EbayCurrency}{/if} {if ShippingDomesticService3}
{ShippingDomesticService3} - {format ShippingDomesticCost3, EbayCurrency}{/if} {if ShippingDomesticService4}
{ShippingDomesticService4} - {format ShippingDomesticCost4, EbayCurrency}{/if} {/if} {if ShippingInternationalServiceType = "Flat"} {if ShippingInternationalService1}
{ShippingInternationalService1} - {format ShippingInternationalCost1, EbayCurrency}{/if} {if ShippingInternationalService2}
{ShippingInternationalService2} - {format ShippingInternationalCost2, EbayCurrency}{/if} {if ShippingInternationalService3}
{ShippingInternationalService3} - {format ShippingInternationalCost3, EbayCurrency}{/if} {if ShippingInternationalService4}
{ShippingInternationalService4} - {format ShippingInternationalCost4, EbayCurrency}{/if} {if ShippingInternationalService5}
{ShippingInternationalService5} - {format ShippingInternationalCost5, EbayCurrency}{/if} {/if}
{/if} {/if} {if ShippingDomesticServiceType = "CalculatedEbay" OR ShippingRateTable}

Click the Postage tab above the listing description for more info!


Additional delivery notes

{if PickupOption}


Our items are available for pick-up. Pick up procedure is as follows:

  1. Purchase the item through eBay
  2. Email us to coordinate pickup


Sorry, our items are NOT available for pick-up.



We accept PayPal on our all our items so you can shop with confidence.

Simple choose the PayPal option when proceeding through the checkout.

{if ShippingDomesticServiceType = "CalculatedMerchant"}

eBay should update your Freight cost into the checkout process once you have committed to purchase.

If checkout gets stuck and does not allow you to proceed, simply use your browser's Back button to return to the Pay Now option and try again.

{/if} {if MoneyOrderAccepted}

Paying via money order

Simply add the freight cost to the item cost and forward the total amount to the address to be provided following your purchase.

{/if} {if DirectDepositAccepted}

Paying via Direct Deposit

Simply add the freight cost to the item cost and forward the total amount to the address to be provided following your purchase.


Additional Information

{if AdditionalInfo}



No additional information at this time


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{if SuggestedProducts}

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{for SuggestedProducts} {/for}

To contact our Customer Service Team, simply click the button here and our Customer Service team will be happy to assist.

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{if MerchantName != ""}

© {MerchantName}


{if ShippingDomesticServiceType = "CalculatedEbay" OR ShippingRateTable != 0} Click the Postage tab above the listing description for more info {else} {if FlatShippingRate = 0 AND ShippingDomesticServiceType = "Flat"} Shipping is FREE for this item {else if ShippingDomesticServiceType = "Flat"} Shipping is a flat rate across {MerchantCountry} at a rate of {format ShippingDomesticCost1, EbayCurrency} {else if ShippingDomesticServiceType = "CalculatedMerchant"} Shipping can be calculated with the Postage Calculator above. {else} Shipping is calculated on eBay, click the Postage tab above the listing description for more information. {/if} {/if}

{if WarrantyHTML}
{include field="WarrantyHTML"}

Accepted Payment Methods

  • PayPal
  • {if MoneyOrderAccepted}
  • Money Order
  • {/if} {if DirectDepositAccepted}
  • Direct Deposit
  • {/if}
{if ReturnsAccepted}

Returns are accepted

Items must be returned within {if ReturnsWithin = "Days_3"} 3 days {else if ReturnsWithin = "Days_7"} 7 days {else if ReturnsWithin = "Days_10"} 10 days {else if ReturnsWithin = "Days_14"} 14 days {else if ReturnsWithin = "Days_30"} 30 days {else if ReturnsWithin = "Days_60"} 60 days {/if} of the auction ending


Returns are not accepted


{if EbayShippingCostPaidByOption = "Buyer"}Buyer{else}Seller{/if} will pay for return shipping.

{if EbayReturnPolicyDescription}
Additional Information:
